Laugh with me because perfect parents don't exist.



Tommy’s feet barely touched the ground when he returned from his fifth grade class trip. He looked like he was floating along instead of walking like he usually did, casually lumbering like a lost kid window shopping for toys. His gait was so distracting, it took me awhile to notice the impossibly wide-eyed, spacey look […]

Sugar Read More »

Stubborn is as Stubborn does

“Stubbornness becomes persistence which leads to your success as an adult, If I let you live that long.” I told my children that far too often. The other thing I told them was, “Stubborn should be a four-letter-word.” They get their stubbornness from my side of the family. At age 16 I remember saying, “That’s

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sitting around the dinner table with rolls in their mouths

I’m Retired from Cooking

We went more than a month ordering Chinese food. When the delivery guy showed up he was very relieved we were all okay. At that point I had to admit that I wasn’t cooking homemade dinners as often as I thought. Every mom is a short order chef. With your first child you’re optimistic and

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Eat Your Peas

I hid vegetables in my children’s food not for their nutrition, but to avoid their criticism.  With three kids and a foggy memory,  I didn’t really know who liked what food.  One kid would declare with disgust, “I’ve NEVER liked mushrooms.” or “I want cucumbers, Garry’s the one who doesn’t like them.  He only eats

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Translate my toddler's words, please!

Translate “Muntz!”

I always assumed Tommy’s first language would be English. Nope, it was Klingon. I recognized the sounds since I’m a Star Trek fan, but I couldn’t translate them. Tommy sat in his high chair, well into age 2, chattering guttural sounds that were more like growls than words. He’d cast his blue eyes up at

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